Monday, February 22, 2010

Behave 1

As I mentioned before I have been reading a book called "How to Behave So Your Children Will, Too!". Here you will see a continuation to the book and what I have read thus far.

Being a good Model. A role model you say, guess I did not really think of myself as a role model to anyone little alone my own kids. But the book is right, I am a major influence on what my kids are going to decide.
So, lesson one. Admit when you make a mistake and your child sees it. An example of this could be when you use fowl language. As much as we try not to use fowl language around our kids it slips out once and a while. I do have to admit that it is funny to hear my kids use those words on occasion but it is wrong. So as I choke back my urge to laugh I have to explain to them why it was wrong for me to use that word and that they should not use it either. The book goes on to say that you should explain how you felt at the time fowl language was used. I don't feel that this is always going to be necessary.
When using "a calm voice it will teach children to remain calm when provoked." I have been working very hard at this and will admit that I slip up from time to time. Like today when there were other things that provoked my bad mood. I found that I was short tempered and upset easily with the kids mis-behavior. I finally just had to step outside and collect myself so that I could continue to remain calm.
"Follow through." Do what you say your going to do no matter what. I have a huge problem with following through. I tend to feel bad and let the kids out of time out early. This has gotten me no where when it comes to proper discipline. The kids have my number here, they know that I'll let them out of time out early and they will continue to mis-behave the rest of the day. Sometimes I can't wait for bed time once this happens.
"If your child's behavior concerns you, look closely at your own behavior. Children learn what they live." Yep, you know the curse. " I hope you have kids just like you." So true. My children as great as they are, are lots like me and I can't believe my parents are still sane.
"If you want your children's behavior to change, look at your own behavior." "Your change in behavior affects your children's change in behavior."
Since starting this book I have seen some changes in the kids. When I remain calm and give the kids choices I found that they remain calm and make great choices. Today I was not calm and the kids did not make the best choices. I am going to keep on trying to improve myself. My small amount of improvement feels like a huge improvement when it comes to the kids.

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